You can find the gear you need for better small-game hunting at Pennsylvania’s Largest Gun Show. Along with the top hunting rifles and shotguns, our vendors have the clothing, accessories, and supplies you need to have more fun on your outdoor adventures and put food on the table. While smaller prey may not give you a new wall trophy for the den, it’s a satisfying American tradition that’s been part of our Second Amendment culture for generations. Get ready for your next hunt when your local gun show comes to town.
Small Game is a Big Deal
While deer and other large game may give you lots of meat all at once, small-game hunting has been used for generations to fill stew pots and freezers. Rabbits, squirrels, foxes, and other small animals are plentiful. This often leads to longer hunting seasons and higher bag limits, if there’s a limit at all. This gives hunters more opportunities for the satisfaction of a successful hunting trip and to save some grocery money when meat prices are skyrocketing.
With the proper license, small-game hunting can also turn into something different altogether in some locations. Remember, you aren’t the only one hunting prey animals. Many small-game hunters will get the licensing they need to harvest predators as well. Farmers and ranchers will thank you for having fewer coyotes or cats to worry about, and they make interesting trophy additions to the rec room.
Get Licensed, Get Trained
Before you head out to hunt, make sure you have your hunting license for the state you’ll be hunting in. In many cases, this also means taking the appropriate hunter’s or firearms training classes. These classes focus on gun and hunting safety, protecting the ecology of the areas you hunt in, and how to legally harvest and report (when necessary) game. Don’t be afraid to ask your instructor about any small-game hunting regulations you don’t understand. If they don’t know the answer, they’ll have better resources to find out the information you need to stay on the right side of the game warden.

Small-Game Hunting Essentials at Your Local Gun Show
Whether you’re just getting started in small-game hunting or you’re regearing for the next in a long line of seasons, there’s something for every hunter at your local gun show. It’s more than a place to buy, sell, and trade hunting rifles. It’s your one-stop shop for almost anything you need to fill your bag (and the bag too)!
- Your Hunting Gun(s)
Maybe you already have a favorite hunting shotgun, maybe not. Either way, you can find new and used firearms from every major manufacturer for sale at prices that can’t be beaten. You’ll need a good varminting rifle or choked shotgun for most small game hunting, but you may also want to consider adding a sidearm for personal defense. Remember those predators we talked about earlier? The last thing you want to do is meet one while cleaning game with your rifle against a tree, out of reach, and the only gun around.
- Ammunition
You need ammunition to hunt small game, and you can find both commercial and hand-loaded specialty rounds at your local gun show. Commercial ammunition gives you the reliable, consistent performance you’re used to, but specialty ammunition takes it up a notch. These rounds are tailored to provide an optimal powder charge, shot load, or unique shot composition tailored for specific game animals.
- Clothing

Hunting clothing needs to make you less noticeable to game while also giving you the protection you need from the terrain you’re hunting in. That means long pants and long-sleeved shirts in muted earth tones or camouflage patterns that blend with your surroundings. You’ll also want a good pair of hunting boots that can handle rocks, timber, and uneven terrain, as well as thick socks that keep your feet from blistering on a long stalk. A good hat will keep you cooler and shade your eyes from the sun so you’re ready to take the shot when it presents itself.
- Game Bag
A small game hunting bag holds the game you harvest until you can clean it and get it into the cooler. This means it needs to be sturdy, designed to keep noise down while you hunt, and large enough to hold a reasonable number of animals. You also want it to be washable, as it will need to be cleaned between trips.
- Game Calls
Game calls help you bring animals closer so you can harvest them. In small-game hunting, that often means calls that mimic either the mating call of the animal you’re hunting, that of its chosen prey, or the sound of an animal in distress. Talking to other hunters as well as the vendors at our shows can help you find the right call for your preferred prey.
- Knives
Knives are popular hunting and outdoor accessories, and there’s plenty of variety on our exhibition floor. Folders are great all-around EDC knives for hunting, running errands, or discreetly carrying at the office in your day-to-day life. Fixed-blade knives give you stronger tools for getting through brush, prying, stripping bark, or otherwise surviving outdoors. Skinners help you clean game and get it ready for the cooler. You can even find multi-tool knives that help you get your hunting rifle back in the game if an issue arises in the field.
- Flashlight
Never go small-game hunting without a flashlight. It can help you ensure you don’t leave anything in the truck on early-morning hunting trips, find your way after the sun goes down, and signal for help if you get turned around in the woods. The light can also alert animals to your presence, giving them a chance to avoid you after you’ve filled your bag or if you need to scare off a predator. Flashlights are available in both handheld models and those that attach to your hunting shotgun or rifle via a clamp or rail mount.
- Navigation
You can still find maps and compasses at a gun show if you prefer a traditional experience, but modern hunting equipment gives you more precise guidance that fits in a shirt pocket. Satellite navigation equipment puts downloaded maps in the palm of your hand, gives you accurate compass bearings, overlays your deposition to within mere feet, and lets you call for help if you’re injured or become trapped by the terrain or inclement weather. These small, handheld devices are cost-effective tools that lead to more efficient and safer small-game hunting trips.
Get Your Hunting Equipment
Make sure you have everything you need when you visit your local gun show. Check our gun show calendar because there’s a PA gun and knife show coming to a community near you. Order your tickets online from Eagle Shows today.